Thursday, June 24, 2010

June 23 Question

The current position of our governments economy is hurting public education very strongly. One of the ways that it is hurting public schools is the arts programs at schools. "When times are tight, school divisions look to cut art and music programs to preserve jobs or fund core-subject areas that are tied to state tests" (Prestidge). This is affecting many students strongly. Band, choir, dance, and drama are all areas that many students turn to for confidence and support during the hell that we call high school. Teachers are trying to make music after school programs to provide for those who still want to participate, the only problem is they are going to have to charge. What about the parents that can't afford to pay for their children's classes? What are they going to do? By taking away these programs because of the budget cuts, many teachers lose their jobs and students lose their comfort place. That is one way that our economy makes our public schools suffer.

Another way that our bad economy is affecting public schools is everything is suddenly more expensive. Schools lunch prices, for one, are getting higher and higher. "In Jacksonville, Fla., school lunch prices will rise 70 cents, due to rising fuel and food prices." (momlogic). Although 70 cents might not seem like a lot, in 100 days of enrollment 70 cents can turn to $70 more than you had to pay when the economy was in decent shape. Another way is students are beginning to get charged for things that in the past were free. "In Choctawhatchee High School and several other schools in Florida, schools will begin charging students $5 to use a locker next year. And they've doubled the price for student parking from $10 to $20 for this school year" (momlogic) All these expenses add up drastically and if parents are already having a hard time with the bad economy this is only worsening the entire situation.

Works Cited
Prestidge, Holly. "When money is tight, schools look to cut arts programs | Richmond Times-Dispatch." Home | Richmond Times-Dispatch. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 June 2010. . "When money is tight, schools look to cut arts programs | Richmond Times-Dispatch." Home | Richmond Times-Dispatch. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 June 2010. .

adriana verdusco(:

Monday, June 21, 2010

SB 1070 =P

Over many generations an ongoing problem has been present in the United States of America, illegal immigration. Although many have stated that they would take action and make a difference in its current state. Everyone had just been all talk and no action until April 23, 2010 when Arizona's governor Jan Brewer signed Senate Bill 1070. "Its aim is to identify, prosecute, and deport illegal immigrants" according to Jan Brewer. Like all things, this new bill has its pros and cons.

SB 1070 is bound to have its positive things. The U.S needs to start engaging themselves in local law enforcement. The case of the matter is, as Meg Whitman would say, "Illegal immigrants are just that, illegal". Unfortunately, Whitman is right. If we did nothing about our current illegal problem, people would eventually begin to believe that there is no big deal in engaging in illegal activity since people come here illegally and get away with it, then they can do something illegal as well. Another argument that has been made in order to defend the new senate bill is many people feel like immigrants "hurt the economy and drive up crime". Sadly enough this point is very true. A little less than a year ago I attended an only hispanic church. I hated going to this church, people were rude and misbehaved constantly. I once heard someone cussing at church! Believe me, I was stunned. The problems got so bad that some of the kids starting tagging the church. Everyone in my family got tired of it so we eventually moved back to Harvest, which was the complete opposite. Everyone was polite, and although I am sure it was not 100%, mostly everyone there was white, english speaking, or documented. Getting rid of illegal immigrants WILL get rid of many crime problems which will decrease the number of jails they have to build, walls they have to clean, and worries they have to spend. The money that is then left from that can later be taken to build new schools or do better in the community.

SB 1070 also has its negative. According to the bill, people who look suspicious, will be searched on whether or not they are legal which will of course lead to racial stereotyping. When Brewer was asked "What does an illegal immigrant look like?" she responded with "I do not know what an illegal immigrant looks like,". Although she said that discrimination will not take place at all during the searches, everybody knows it deep in their hearts that racist police and authority are just itching for a reason to get "suspicious looking people" into trouble. This bill will bring down everything that we have worked hard to teach our people. As a nation we tried to work hard in order to move away from the whole black slavery nonsense. Even if a black wasn't a slave, they were looked down upon. This makes me believe that even though a hispanic isn't an immigrant, we will be treated like one. Many families come here "looking for a better life and striving for a brighter future". Not everyone is here to looking for trouble. AND we are not all from Mexico =P


Jennifer McFayden. "An Overview of the SUpport Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act"

Randal C. Archibold. "Arizona Enacts Stringent Law on Immigration" New York Times. April 23, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

June 15 Question

On April 20th a sudden and disastrous event took place, an explosion on BP contractors drilling platform in the gulf of Mexico caused a spill that has leaked more and more oil to this very day. The environment is being drastically affected by the terrible oil spill. According to S.F. Heron, marine life and wildlife "can be contaminated in a number of way, through poison by ingestion, destruction of habitat and direct contact with oil". This can lead to the animals becoming very ill and dying. When a fish "ingests the oil suspended in the water through their gills", it makes it affects their ability to reproduce, which can later lead to extinction. Extinction will lead to loss of wildlife, food, and jobs for many. These poor animals are living in confusion down there. The ocean use to reflect the sunlight down to the bottom of the ocean, now all they see is darkness.

Many people in charge are doing a terrible job at taking control over the problems that they have created. For some reason BP can not figure out a way to stop what is currently taking place and instead of standing up and taking responsibility, they are sitting there frantically pointing fingers at the next person to come along. Lines seem to have been drawn with BP and President Obama instead of coming together as one to try and work out this HUGE problem. Unless people stop pointing fingers and start working together we are going to get nowhere. This could also completely mess up Obama's reputation as president. If people don't see him step up and take control of the entire situation happening right now, they aren't going to want to re-elect him next term. People already look down on him because something as stupid as his skin color. A problem like this is only going to make things worse.

Oil Spilled

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

There Is No Such Thing As Free Lunch

In this world that we live in nothing, sadly, is ever free. This especially goes for the so called "free lunch". "There is no such thing as free lunch is a popular adage communicating the idea that it is impossible to get something for nothing". No matter what somebody will eventually pay for the expenses made because of the free lunch, even if the cost may be hidden. The federal food program has to pay for the food that is provided at school lunches. That money comes from American tax payers.

When you think of free you generally think that the product will come to you with no one's struggle to pay for it. That free lunch will get paid for in one way or another. Businesses would not be happy if they ran their company, worked their butt's off, and didn't get paid for it. In conclusion, there is no such thing as a free lunch.